I have a new obsession and its name in Florence And The Machine. The first time I heard this song was at the end of Eclipse while the credits were rolling. I rewound the DVD at least 6 times to hear it again and again. I imediately knew why Ian kept insisting I'd love them.
I just did a reading and one of the things my guides whispered in my head was this song when I looked at the High Priestess II, so I just did another to ask them what they want me to learn from it. Don't you know the High Priestess was at the bottom of the deck!
The first card is the Knight of Pentacles. The horse stands out first. A work horse. In Norse mythology the horse is about friendship, loyalty, trust, strength, mutual respect, and hard work. The coin says to me that the hard work that goes into a relationship can have so many great rewards. This knight is about knowing what you want, setting goals, taking your time, and getting results you can hold on to. The reins show that I will never be controlled again. Not by anyone nor by the idea of love or by love itself. The look on her face is wary as she looks to the next card, The Fool. No, I don't want ever play the fool again! I don't want my love or my lover to be an "iron ball, wrapped around your ankles over the waterfall". I don't want the carelessness I see in this card, but I do want the excitement and carefree feeling about going out on a new path. Maybe all that bamboo says I'll have luck on my side this time. But those coins she is dropping say to NEVER let go of my own sense of self worth or not respect and honor my own worth.
If I follow that advice, The Empress III shows me as a very blissfully content woman who is extremely self-confident. In Universal Goddess deck it is the goddess Astarte', and she is an amazing woman who is very similar to Isis. This Empress is a loving and nurturing mother who is also a very loyal and dedicated wife. And a major reason why she can be all those amazing things to others is that she loves and honors herself first. She never lets go of the femininity and beauty and pampering of herself. She still sees herself as an erotic dominant woman. She just happens to also be a mother and wife. Like Isis, she doesn't demand respect, but she commands it. Demanding is from a childish mindset. Commanding is from a place of wisdom and strength. Now this is just screaming at me about co-dependancy and how that shit will make you an albatross, a "heavy heart to carry arms around your lovers neck! Your love concrete feet, an iron ball wrapped around your lovers ankles over the waterfall." The lotus blossom on her arms boldly says to me that we are each responsible for own damn happiness!!! Nothing and no one outside of yourself can make you either happy or unhappy. Neither enslaving another person by empossing your own suffering nor thinking yourself a martyr because you carry theirs is the meaning of love. It's not the gorgeous eroticism I associate with vampires. Love has nothing to do with being a victim to or being enslaved by someone who is an emotional vampire, sucking the life out of them and yourself. That shit creates a hunger that can never feel full because all you have to give will never be enough. It's just a game who's rules constantly change as you go along because they are set up for you to fail. She is holding a mirror. My g/f Glenda (who is a witch, yes lol!) always says that in any relationship, we are mirrors for each other. Aspects of ourselves, whether we like them or not and if we are willing to look closely, we will see them in ourselves. And back to the vampire reference, although it's not true in the Twilight series, in so many other stories vampires cannot see their won reflection. This says to me get real about your shit and that a healthy sense of self is important, to know who you truly are, accept it and love it. I have to learn that I can't deny or kill off my shadow self. In Buddhism it is called fundamental darkness. We each have to face it and then figure out how to work it to our advantage and make it a positive. Like how my boy Dexter does. But I will make lots of other posts on him and that show later. For now, I'll take this bit of wisdom from my guides and Florence. Sounds to me like she is a wise woman who's been there/done that. And won't be doing it again.
Omg, I just sat here and chanted for an hour!! I'm SO proud of myself!! (an emotion I REALLY need to feel with regard to my Self far more often than I do!) It was only supposed to be for 15 min, but before I knew it, I'd rocked out an hour! Anxiety was really starting to creep up on me again. My roomate has never not talked to me, unless of course her fucking b/f was somehow involved in it. But I've always been there, and I am now in Atlanta. So I have no idea what the hell is going on that has her not speaking tome other than to say she is in her Cancerian shell. Well, actually I guess I do have an idea. Dude is somehow involved. Now exactly how, that I don't know. But it has my paranoia working overtime! So I chanted on it. I also chanted on trying to narrow my focus, be specific in my prayers: I want my own home. Fuck the how it's gonna happen, just that I want it so make it happen! Also for strength, clarity, and trust in myself and that the Universe supports me and will open my life up to receive all the things I need and a hell of a lot of what I want. And for the love of God for the fucking energy and drive to get off my trifflin' ass and DO! Do what it takes. I kill me with how I will pray, but can't get the drive or the balls to take action! Like just cause I want some shit I ain't gotta work for it!! For real?!! So of course went to my girl LoFlow's blog and got the guidance and support it always provides.
So as was just about at 55 min, I grabbed my Universal Goddess deck and asked what did my guides want me to take away from the past hour of chanting. Why did they give me all major archana. And don't you know the first damn card is the High Priestess II! My favorite card of the tarot!
I've been know to not buy a deck just based on whether or not I like that person's interpretation of her. As Rhiannon says, I live my life by that card. For me she is The Goddess, the epitome of what I think a woman is/ought to strive to be. And I think that having Isis shown in this deck is brilliant. She was a mistress of magick, healer, wife, mother, lover, friend, homemaker, equal companion to her husband, leader, loving, dominant creatrix. The first thing I notice is the gorgeous ultra-violet color of the sky. I think this whole Violette Kitty blog is gonna be so much deeper in my healing and growth than I can possibly imagine. Then I was drawn to her arms uplifted to the violette sky. I always hear the song by Groove Theory, "lift your head to the sky and keep trying. Believe in you and it will take you higher". I posses all of these qualities within myself. I have got to first believe that with every fiber of my being and then make the moves to bring it to reality. When I looked at the pyramid I could see Criss Angel hovering over it. I also heard Florence & The Machine "Heavy In Your Arms" I freakin' love that damn song!! I'm gonna have to listen to the lyrics to see how it applies.
Next is Judgment XX (didn't I just get this card the other day in my LotD deck??) This daimoku just caused a major shift, moved some major crap! A new dimension just opened up and I need to trust my guides and my inner wisdom to get my ass to the to the next level. Which perfectly flows to the next card,Strength VIII. The red sky at the top of card makes me think of the power of one's mind and the chariot about the fact that I got The Chariot card the other day and I need to get control of my emotions and get out of my own head so damn much, and that will give way to having the strength to face my fears and yoke them up like she has this snake on the card. I can hear her saying, "Look bitch, I'm not having your shit no more! I"M running shit from here on out! So don't fuck with me!"
Free ya mind, ya ass'll follow!
*now WHY the bloody hell will it only take the code for the H.P.!!?! So in spite of the past 1/2 of life I just used to get the other cards pictured on here from the site I found them on that has a share button, that's why she is the only card pictured! Really!? I mean...really...! But I did figure out how to ass links! Yay! So if you'd like to see the cards in this deck which is one of my all time favorites, go here: http://taroteca.multiply.com/photos/album/442/Universal_Goddess#
As a Nichiren Buddhist , the lotus flower is a very powerful symbol. "Renge" means lotus flower. The lotus blooms and produces seeds at the same time, and thus represents the simultaneity of cause and effect. The circumstances and quality of our individual lives are determined by the causes and effects, both good and bad, that we accumulate (through our thoughts, words and actions) at each moment. This is called our "karma." The law of cause and effect explains that we each have personal responsibility for our own destiny. We create our destiny and we can change it. The most powerful cause we can make is to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo; the effect of Buddhahood is simultaneously created in the depths of our life and will definitely manifest in time.