Sunday, March 6, 2011

Daily Reading 3/6/11

Well I see what this is in reference to straight away. The card at the bottom of the deck, the 8 of cups, is exactly what this is all about. My old room mate telling me I needed to find another place to live while I was out of town. And we can see me leaving out with my bag in this card. The 5 of swords makes me nervous that this is gonna get even nastier. She called me yesterday. It's like she wants to act like nothing ever happened and out interaction is to continue just like any other day. I was polite, but not warm. At the end of the conversation she said I love you. I just said goodbye. I heard her laugh as she was hanging up, as if to say to me that she took note of that and say to hell with me too. The 4 of pentacles shows the fact that I have no savings because I have gone through it since my back has been hurt. In the 9 of wands, that's me, hot under the collar and feeling under the gun because since my name is not on a lease, that could end up happening again. I woke up several times through out the night thinking of yesterday's phone interaction and feeling so anxious and unsettled. I have got to take charge of my life and stop putting myself in situations where others have power over me and can choose to use it against me when I least expect it. 


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