Thursday, August 21, 2014

Yemaya for Healing Big Boy

I wanted to share a simple prayer/ritual I did petitioning blessings from Yemaya. Most of you are probably familiar with Chloe's wonderful blog Inner Whispers. Please do take a visit when you can. She usually features a different deck each week. Well tomorrow her eldest son, Big Boy is having a very complicated surgery. I've invoked the Orisha of maternal love and healing for complete success in this. To bless all of the hospital staff, surgeons, nurses, staff and that entire environment of the hospital as well. And for Chloe, her beloved and their young son who is braving this experience. I ask that anyone who reads this send positive energy as well. Big Boy has some on-going, serious health issues that demand constant care, so no matter when you're this, your prayers will be appropriate.

While praying, I had my Yemaya playlist on my iPad. There is sea salt around the candle, as she is the embodiment of the salt waters of the oceans of the world. The photograph behind the mermaid statue is underwater photography my cousin took whilst diving and met a sea turtle, which is one of the most perfect symbols for Yemaya giving their association with maternal instincts.


I used Ocean - Ebb and Flow from the Earth Magick Oracle. The Queen of Cups from the Universal Goddeess Tarot was created as Yemaya, an absolutely perfect choice for that card. I chose The Sun from Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot Cards to represent complete healing, life giving energy and cause for celebration. It says Uriel, but I called on Raphael since he is my go to angel for healing. And the Ace of Swords from my Legacy of the Divine tarot. It tends to show up as surgery readings and it represents the courage it takes to go through challenging times that we most often would never sign up for but bring about great benfits.

Below is a beautiful video created by a daughter of Yemaya. Thank you Mamma! Ashé!




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