Thursday, February 3, 2011


Originally uploaded by Llewellyn Worldwide

Like a Kid With a New Toy

Like a Kid With a New Toy

So here it is 05:43 and my dumb ass is still up playing with my new blog! Lol!! I asked the cards "What is the purpose of me doing this blog?" I used the gorgeous Legacy of the Divine deck. (Damnation I need a scanner!)
3 of Pentacles is the first card. The craftsman is very hard at work, perfecting it, paying attention to detail. For how many hours have I been working on this new project. Let's just hope I have the diligence that this card means. Next is The Wheel of Fortune. The first things I notice are the planet Jupiter and the river winding through the mountains. Then I noticed the Fool who is also pictured on this card (as well as The Hanged Man, The Devil and The World cards) and him going many changes as the wheel turns. As The World Turns just popped into my head. It's like it's telling me that luck is on my side, but I have to accept that life is full of ups and downs. But if I can stop getting caught up in drama I'll be a lot happier, and writing my emotions and thoughts will definitely help with that. This will help me to channel my feelings , reflect on things and heal my life. So much in life you can't control, but I've got to remember that there is one thing I can: my outlook. Master my mind, not let my mind master me, and thus I will manifest all kinds of good fortune. I can make positivity a self-fulfilling prophecy. The third card is the 8 of Cups. Again, my guides are showing me it's time to leave emotional baggage behind. This blog will teach me to  let go of harmful emotional patterns and to trust my intuition. To get the depression in check. And the bottom card is The Hierophant V, or in this deck, Faith. I can learn to have faith in myself, my guides. It shows four different spiritual leaders with one bold beam of light down the center. This is so meaningful to me b/c though I am a practicing Buddhist, I grew up Catholic, Dad was a Baptist minister, I have the utmost respect for other religions, and the connection I still feel to being a witch is like a magnet to steel, or the ocean to the moon, like the guy in the 8 of Cups here. So perhaps I will integrate my spirituality to what is best for ME, not anyone else. There are so many more similarities, yet people only can see the differences.
There are 3 earth and 1 water. This seems to say again that I will get the emotional grounding I need, yet still with that touch of spirituality. My feelings won't just be left to run willy-nilly and make me a whiney nutcase who is a big wet blanket. Like on The Wheel, that water will have some guidance so it flows the right way.

*the deck and a review of it can be seen here:

ianus semita

ianus semita
Originally uploaded by down_the_rabbit_hole

And so it begins...

So, I've been saying I was gonna do this forever and a day, and here we are. My first post. At this time, this is just meant to be a personal journal. Maybe I'll make it a public blog at some point. Like I said, with 5 chicks up here in my dome, there are so many things to say, so many topics. So hey...let's just go with it and see where things take us.

Daily Reading

So I am still trying to figure all this tech shit out. Which I'm sure for the masses is extraordinarily low tech, but most anything that relates to computers is high tech for me! I can't tell you how much time I have spent this evening trying to figure out how to post pictures and to cover my ass from any copywrite infringemets!  Good grief Charlie Brown lol!

So I drew two cards this morning, using the Faulkner Tarot. This deck was created by the amazing Rhiannon Faulkner. Get used to hearing her name (if I ever share this blog lol) a lot. A total stranger from across the pond who has become mentor, friend, support system, and business parter if I'd ever get my head out of my ass and grow a set of balls!  Hopefully I can get a scanner so I can have the images to go with the posts I make about cards.  But anyway, I drew the Emperor and The Chariot, with Temperance on the bottom. The feeling I got from the Emperor was that he SO did  not want to go into that building!! The sun seemed warm and bright and the building seemed so dark and sterile and uninviting. And then to see The Chariot, it was as if he just wanted to turn the hell around, jump in his buggy, and roll the hell out! The Emperor is fire and The Chariot is water, so they are at  odds. This re-iterated the inner termoil I feel about my life.  He is the bread-winner, the one responsible for the family and has to make wise choices as to ensuring their security. Meaning, Violette Kitty needs to get a damn job/bring in some fucking income, like yesterday!!! The Emperor is ruled by Aries, dominant, in control, energetic, calls the shots and takes care of himself as well as others. Al things I wish I was, but don't feel right now. Aries rules the head and face.  "Hold your head up high and put on your game face girl!" But I'd rather eat the back if a mongooses ass than to work in a 9-5 like it looks like he is going to!! The Chariot is ruled by Cancer,which governs the stomach and the diaphragm, so all that damn emotional upheaval. But it is a car, a means of transportation, going places.  So take a deep breath and get rid of the crap I no longer need,like fear and doubt! Even if I'm not exactly sure where I want to go, just get moving. Then go with my gut. Because I do have some possible means of income that I know could bring a lot of emotional fulfillment. And with Temperance at the bottom of the deck, the bottom line is balance my life out. Be patient, but actively do something!  And make peace with the opposing sides of me, the Emperor that says work, make money, and the Chariot that says it has to be something that I have an emotional investment in and know in my gut is going to make me happy. 
For shits and giggles I drew one more card, and it was the King of Swords lol!! With The Emperor right there, since my dad was a Gemini, I know that he was with me today and giving me encouragement. I sure do miss you Al, but thanks for stopping in. Even at 39,a girl still needs her dad.


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