For tonight's draw I pulled the 10 of pentacles. We have a group of people that seem to be gathered together for a family reunion. All the different generations and laughing and smiling and enjoying each other's company. This makes complete sense to me because I spent today with extended family that I absolutely love being around. It's crazy to see the little ones now old enough to have made little ones of their own. So while I didn't have a birthday cake and to be perfectly honest as far as birthdays go this one was definitely a pretty shitty one. But as far as Christmas's go however this was a wonderful one. I love my Beaudreaux clan and I'm so happy I spent my day with them.
This also reminds me of dear friends who are like family and I spent the rest of the evening with. I called them my niece and nephew and I truly love them dearly as well. We sat down and ate popcorn and drank hot chocolate and watch the movie Insideous with cats and dog curled up beside us. This was truly a 10ofP kind of day and this card reminds me how wealthy I am in terms of loved ones, both blood related and not. Family is who loves you no matter what.