Sunday, December 1, 2013

Joy and Pain- Day 18

Again tonight I chose to use the Universal Goddess Tarot. And again tonight I've drawn The Star card.  I've drawn this card several times in the past 2 weeks so I decided to ask for clarity with another card and I pulled The Tower. I've had some pretty nasty, unpleasant and shocking things occur over the past couple of months. I was hit by a taxi cab, my brother was killed, work had been super slow, I lost my apartment I had to break up with a man that  I love very much but was bringing me down big time. All very Tower-like experiences. But then I look at the beauty of the Star card and I'm reminded of how blessed I am to have earthly beings as well as divine ones loving and encouraging me. In my head I hear the song "Joy and Pain" by Frankie Beverly and Maze. The life can so many moments extreme heartache and pain, I am very grateful for the moment of love and friendship that gives me hope.


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