Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daily Reading 3/22/11

The first thing  I notice is the sun on the Chariot VII, I guess since it's so rainy and gloomy here. Being the Chariot VII, I take this to mean that I need to be mindful of keeping my spirits high regardless of the nasty cold weather. This card is all about balancing your emotions. The Wheel X in this deck is so wierd to me. I guess it is saying about the many ups and downs in life. And the 7 of cups in this deck os so pretty, but I need to study it....Ahh.... The beautiful woman is staring into the water, but her reflection is that of a skeleton. I guess part of me does feel so dead inside a lot of the time. The 7 of Cups is about choices that are very emotional.  Maybe I might want to make choices that stop waisting my life away huh.

Given the elemental dignities, all that water and just the one earth, this is about wanting to get grounded and just doing more floating. There are no fire cards= no drive. No air cards = not wanting to think aobut all the shit I should be doing. The cards I have are all passive, fire and air cards that are lacking are active cards.

I'm now getting off this damn computer. 


Originally uploaded by Jade M. Sheldon
I am posting it in my effort to send healing energy and pay respect to those who have been affected by the horrible tragedy in Japan. It is called land of the rising sun and may the sun goddess shine Her light upon them.

Direct quote from the artist about this piece:
Here is Amaterasu, the Japanese Shinto sun goddess, ruler of the Plain of Heaven, whose name means 'shining heaven' or 'she who shines in the heavens. She is the central figure in the Shinto pantheon and the Japanese Imperial family claims descent from her. She was so bright and radiant that her parents sent her up the Celestial Ladder to heaven, where she has ruled ever since. To this very day, the Japanese honor Amaterasu with their national flag.

Amaterasu is seen from the waist up and is in the center of the deep permanent yellow, pure orange, and pure kaput mortuum covered page. These colors signify the sun.

She is dressed as a traditional Geisha in a kimono with her hair pulled back in a
traditional chignon and ornamented with flowers, hair pins, combs and beads. A few
strands of hair sweep across her face which signifies her free spiritedness.

Amaterasu gazes towards the left and holds the handle of an open parasol in her right hand. The round parasol mimics the shape of the sun and it’s rays.

Prayers For Japan

I was thinking about the awful tragedy Japan is facing right now due to the tsunami and the earthquake and realize I need to spend more of my prayer time devoted to sending healing energy there. So I decided to look on Flickr for a cool pic and wouldn't you know the one I happended to choose is titled "Prayer". May the beautiful Goddess Amaterasu smile down her rays of healing light after the storm.

Prayer /// Red Vector Thoughts

Prayers For Japan

I was thinking about the awful tragedy Japan is facing right now due to the tsunami and the earthquake and realize I need to spend more of my prayer time devoted to sending healing energy there. So I decided to look on Flickr for a cool pic and wouldn't you know the one I happended to choose is titled "Prayer". May the beautiful Goddess Amaterasu smile down her rays of healing light after the storm.

Prayer /// Red Vector Thoughts

Toy Box

I'm not sure if I've written anything about a possilbe money making opportunity or not. It would be for a company called Passion Parties, which is....shall we call them.."love toys" lol. One of my nearest and dearest put me intouch with a friend of her's who does it and makes a nice little penny doing so. The start up cost is more than I have right now. So she emailed me today with an idea that would cost me only about $30. So I wanted to ask the cards what would be the result if I go this route.

The first card is the Knight of Wands. I need to go back and check, but I'm almost sure Rhiannon says that this is the best possible bussiness card.---- Omg I am just listening to her YouTube video and she says "they have got the gift of gab and could sell snow to the Eskimos! They don't lie, they expand the truth. It is THE best card linked to business, utter success!" She says it has teh gypsy meaning of a journey over water and quite possibly one linked to bussiness. Wands energy are all about fire and passion, so how perfect that the business in question is directly related to wands of passion LMAO!! Now as I look at the card I see the happy couple in a passionate embrace. Hell, I just realized all of the cards are wands!! The suite of passion and fire! The 9 of Wands shows me if I do this venture, with the sword pointed down and the wands standing tall. To me this says that the arguing and lack of communication could be put to rest for many couples if their sex life improved. I also read in a book once that the 9ofW in a relationship reading means that if the couple can get through this one major issue, it will soloidify their union. The last card is the victory card, the 6 of Wands. This card is such an odd version to me. I take her tears as tears of joy that these couples will have when they deepen the intimacy of their relationship. Maybe even my own at being able to help these couples. And uh.... well, there is a "toy in" pictured.... LMAO---I'm just sayin'!! Which reminds me of one of the funniest skits Ive ever seen in my life with Adam Samburg and Justin Timberlake!


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